Q: We are using jumpstart to automate our Solaris installs. At the end, the jumpstart finish script installs a script that runs after reboot to install the custom software packages via executing pkgadd commands. These pkgadd commands in turn have pre- and post-install scripts and want to interact with the installer. When trying to install, the pkgadd has errors and fail because the pre- and post-install scripts don't get that user interaction. Do you know how I could automate this? A: You can have pkgadd use an alternate administrative file and do installs without manual intervention. Your pkgadd command will look something like the following: pkgadd -n -a $adminfile $package $adminfile will be another file in your jumpstart setup that contains the following text (or you can tailor to taste): mail= instance=quit partial=nocheck runlevel=nocheck idepend=nocheck rdepend=nocheck space=ask setuid=nocheck conflict=nocheck action=nocheck basedir=default This gives the pkgadd command all the answers it needs to do the installation without intervention, unless you don't have enough space. The default administration file is located in /var/sadm/install/admin/default, and specifies ask for most of the above questions: mail= instance=unique partial=ask runlevel=ask idepend=ask rdepend=ask space=ask setuid=ask conflict=ask action=ask basedir=default See the man page for pkgadd(1M) for more information on the available flags, and admin(4) for more information on the parameters in the admin file.