Re: Rainbow Tables

Date: Wed Feb 08 2006 - 09:55:09 EST

Good point.

You said it better than I did. I wasn't trying to be one directional. I just thought that the "others" shouldn't restrict him to one avenue.

Thanks for clairifying!
Robert L. Dixon, CSO
State of West Virginia's
West VIriginia Office of Techonology
Infrastructure Applications
Netware/GroupWise Administrator
Telephone: (304)-558-5472 ex.4225
>>> "T.Dudek" <> >>>
One word: "pirated software".
ok, so it's two words ;-)

I've seen enough cases where the evildoers were using lophtcrack or
the various commercial software/hardware keystroke loggers that you
can buy. Most of the time it's pirated stuff, but why not use the best
you can get/steal when you're a criminal?
I'd say the "others" should be informed of both risks, and need to be
reminded that "most likely" does not really mean anything. I wouldn't
step on a plane that would "most likely" not crash..

On 2/7/06, ROB DIXON <> wrote:
> Hey Tony,
> The "others" should be informed that the malicious attacker is most likely to NOT use "commercial" products.
> And that for a true benchmark, maybe use the products that a malicious attacker would use. Most of which will probably be open source or free at the least. That is assuming that they are not writing their own software. ;)
> I guess I'm asking, how do you justify "not" using free products?
> You can buy pre-computated rainbow tables, but there are different rainbowtables for different types of hashes. Example: ntlm, ntlmv2, sha1 , md5, etc.

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