Re: wireless WEP crack.

From: Joshua Wright (
Date: Tue Jun 21 2005 - 12:34:32 EDT

KoreK started to implement this attack in chopchop (which is basically
an inverse adaptive chosen plaintext attack), but I haven't seen a
released version of chopchop that had this attack completed. If you are
interested in implementing this attack, you might consider finishing
where KoreK started. Chopchop v0.1 is available at

Note that the concept of traditionally weak IV's (b+3:ff:n) has largely
been deprecated. Tools such as Aircrack and WepLab use a much larger
group of IV's to recover the WEP key, making it impossible to filter all
the new classes of "weak IV" possibilities (as this would significantly
reduce the overall IV space for WEP).


Michael Sierchio wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, are there tools available to mount
> the adaptive chosen plaintext attack against WEP? This
> attack always succeeds, and is not dependent on weak
> keys.

-Joshua Wright
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