Re: Pen-test pricing

From: Adam Chesnutt (
Date: Thu Feb 03 2005 - 14:06:50 EST


I can tell you that I work for a fortune 500 company that does these
type of engagements, and I recently performed such an engagement,
resulting in a month-long survey of more than 1000 systems.

This particular engagement was performed for a large manufacturer with a
very large exposed Internet presence.

My company charged a fixed price of $100,000 for this, and this isn't an
uncommon price.

This was literally just for the Pen-test and not for anything other than
a suggestion of a solution.

I hope this helps,


Andre Derek Protas wrote:

> Does anyone have any good figures on pricing for pen-tests? Is
> charging done per server, location, or hour? Any help would be
> appreciated.
> ::andre::
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