Re: Nmap results in spreadsheet format

From: Serg B. (
Date: Mon Jun 14 2004 - 10:44:52 EDT


I am not sure if there is such utility but it if you are running NMap
from Linux/Unix you could redirect all output to say AWK, tail and head
utilities and spit out newly filtered data in CSV format. This in turn
can be viewed via MS Excel.

   Hope I helped,

On Sat, 2004-06-12 at 06:52, Jerry Shenk wrote:
> I once saw a mention of a utility (probably a perl script) that would
> take the information from an nmap scan and kick it out in a spreadsheet
> format. I am working with a guy right now that really needs to take
> inventory of what machines exist on the network and what ports are open
> on them. There are over 100 web servers, numerous servers with terminal
> server, vnc and dameware, snmp on way too many and the list goes on.
> Instead of having raw nmap output to wade through, it would be nice to
> scan down a column and say, "Which of these web servers do you really
> need? Shut the rest down."
> If somebody can point me to a link for that, I'd appreciate it.

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