A little informal research

From: zenmasterbob123@gmail.com
Date: Thu Oct 11 2007 - 10:24:36 EDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) PenTesters;

I am conducting a little research for an upcoming presentation. I have posted a little survey, and I was wondering if any of you would be willing to respond. I'm not gathering email addresses, names, or anything you don't want to give me. And if you don't feel comfortable using the free survey service I put this on, you can send me the responses directly.

The scenario is simple. You find yourself poised in front of the trash collection point of your target. Other than a yellow sticky note with a username and password or a network diagram, what are the ten things you would most like to find here? Of those ten things, which would you consider most valuable, and which would you be most likely to actually find?

Here is the link: http://FreeOnlineSurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=v19c8ns1egol7rp348452

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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