Re: Saved Terminal Server Sessions

From: Nicolas RUFF (
Date: Tue Dec 31 2002 - 05:02:54 EST

st0ff st0ff wrote:
> Hi all -
> Terminal Server Client or Remote Desktop Client are
> providing to save the appropriate user credentials. A
> plaintext file is used for that. But the password is
> encrypted in there. Is there a tool available to crack
> this?


I guess you are talking about ".RDP" files. The password is encrypted
using the CryptProtectData() standard API. You can use the code below
(from MSDN), to decrypt it ; however you will have to impersonate the
user somehow to make this code run, because the encryption key used is
derivated from the user context (the Windows logon password I guess).

- Nicolas RUFF
Security Consultant @ EdelWeb

// RDPCrack.c
// This is modified sample code from MSDN
// This code requires Windows 2000 or XP
// Don't forget to link CRYPT32.LIB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>

void HandleError(char *s);

void main()
DATA_BLOB DataVerify;
LPWSTR pDescrOut = NULL;
BYTE *pbDataOutput;
DWORD cbDataOutput;
int data;

// Put encrypted password string here
char szEncodedPwd[] =


// String conversion
cbDataOutput = ( (strlen(szEncodedPwd)) / 2 );
pbDataOutput = (BYTE *)malloc( cbDataOutput + 1 );
if (pbDataOutput == NULL) HandleError("Not enough memory.");

for (unsigned int i=0; i<(cbDataOutput); i++) {
     sscanf(&(szEncodedPwd[i+i]), "%02x", &data);
     pbDataOutput[i] = data;
DataOut.pbData = pbDataOutput;
DataOut.cbData = cbDataOutput;

// Decryption
if (CryptUnprotectData(
         &DataOut, // [in] Input data
     &pDescrOut, // (Optional) [out] Description string
         NULL, // (Optional) [in] Entropy (not used by MS)
         NULL, // Reserved
         NULL, // (Optional) PromptStruct
         0, // Flags
         &DataVerify)) // [out] Output data
     wprintf(L"The decrypted data is: %s\n", (WCHAR *)DataVerify.pbData);
     printf("The description of the data was: %S\n", pDescrOut);
     HandleError("Decryption error!");


void HandleError(char *s)
     fprintf(stderr, "An error occurred in running the program. \n");
     fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",s);
     fprintf(stderr, "Error number %x.\n", GetLastError());
     fprintf(stderr, "Program terminating. \n");

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