documentation/snapshot tool for pentest

From: Siebenkaes Stefan (
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 07:57:26 EST


I am doing a lot of "pen tests" (in better words: port scans),
mostly on web-servers. The tests are not very deep, but I
have to scan a lot of servers. I do that with nessus and a
host list.
Actually I am looking for a tool to do a snapshot of any webserver
before and after the scans, including the browser-frames and menus,
as an enduser view (NOT my idea). I am scripting a lot and it
gives me a pain...

Is there any documentation tool for
"here is the hostlist, take a webbrowser-snapshot and put
it into a filesystem/database/..." ???

Well, the reports with an actual snapshot of a tested website
really look cool and give you a great lobby in meetings with
management, I underestimated that for a long time...
(INCLUDING the "was it still OK after the scan"-question :-)

Any hints appreciated,


Stefan Siebenkaes
Security, Systemarchitektur & Plattformen
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