FROM: Bernhard R. Erdmann
DATE: 08/18/2001 08:15:49
SUBJECT: RE: [Dump-users] (now) dump-0.4b23-1 on RH 7.1, error on restore


 > > > Is your remote system a Linux one or some other UNIX ?
> > >
> > > Compaq running Digital UNIX V4.0E
> >
> > "Remote dumps" have a different protocol regarding to the several
> > flavours of Unix. You'll have to get your dump image in a different way
> > like this:
> >
> > ssh remotehost "dd if=/dev/tape bs=<blocksize>k" | restore rf -
> Thanks for you reply.
> However I am not sure you have it right.
> Better: I am quite ignorant on protocol, but I can assure you all my
> Linux pc's (but this one , now with RH 7.1) read and write dumps to our
> DAT streamer attached on the Compaq ws since years.

You're right, but now it fails.

> Endeed "connection established" is a symptom that, I believe, talking is
> not an issue.
> ssh is not a requirement for remote connection.

It's not a requirement, it's a possibility. You can use rsh, too.

You might want to speak bare TCP over the wire with netcat:

host with tape drive:	nc -l -p 5000 | dd of=$TAPE bs=32k
host to backup:         dump 0af - / | nc -w 3 <IP of host with tape>

On the host with the tape drive, netcat listens on TCP 5000 and feeds
its input from network using a pipe to dd writing to tape in blocks ok
32k. On the other host to be backed up, dump sends to stdout, which is
piped to netcat sending it over the wire to the tape drive. This way, I
got a backup speed of 10.3 MB/s on a switched 100Mb/s-LAN.

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