Re: AIX 5L & SCO lawsuits.

From: Stapleton, Mark (stapleto@BERBEE.COM)
Date: Thu Jun 12 2003 - 00:28:47 EDT

> as everyone already knows, SCO in a surprising turnover threatens IBM
> with lawswits for 'infringing contract restrictions' over SCO
> proprietary Unix technologies which IBM allegedly 'delivered' into the
> Linux kernel. since these technologies probably shipped with AIX 5L --
> the L stands for 'Linux integration' AFAIK -- I would like to ask you
> what you think about SCO's arguments.
> SCO says that 'permission' granted to IBM for use of that technologies
> expires friday, June 13th. do we need to care about SCO's threats?

SCO's threat to 'suspend' all AIX licenses until IBM pays attention to
them reminds me of the kid that says, "You do what I want, or I'll hold
my breath until I turn blue!"

What we have here is a pitiful case of attempted FUD.

Mark Stapleton (
Berbee Information Networks
Office 262.521.5627

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