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Comments and suggestions concerning this book should be mailed to © Copyright 1999-2000 Gerhard Mourani and Open Network Architecture ® 400 Incremental   yes This option “Incremental” if set to “Yes” specifies to process partial logs file and allow you to rotate your log files as much as you want without the lost of access information and any detail. It’s recommended to set this option to “Yes”. PageType   htm* cgi php This option “PageType” specifies what file extensions you want Webalizer consider as a page to count. Each added file extensions must be specified in its own line as show in the Webalizer configuration file above. HideURL   *.gif *.GIF *.jpg *.JPG *.ra This option “HideURL” specifies what kind of items such as graphic files, audio files or other 'non- html' files to hide from the reports page. Each added items must be specified in its own line as show in the Webalizer configuration file above. IgnoreURL   /taskbar* This option “IgnoreURL” specifies URL's to be completely ignored from the generated statistics reports. This option can be used to ignore directories that are not important in our statistics reports. It’s useful when you want to manage and class which URL’s must be monitored and which one to ignore. NOTE: If you decide to use the existent “/etc/webalizer.conf.sample” file to configure you parameters for Webalizer, don’t forget to rename it “webalizer.conf” or the program will be unable to use it. Inform Apache about the output directory of Webalizer Once Webalizer has been installed in the system, we must add the following lines in the “httpd.conf” file of Apache to be able to locate and use it feature. Step 1 Edit the httpd.conf file (vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) and add the following lines between the section <IfModule mod_alias.c> and </IfModule>: Alias /usage/ "/home/httpd/usage/" <Directory "/home/httpd/usage">     Options None     AllowOverride None     Order deny,allow     Deny from all     Allow from </Directory> Step 2 Don’t forget to restart your Apache web server once you have added the above lines to its “httpd.conf” file: · To restart Apache, use the following commands: [root@deep /]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart Shutting down http:                                          [  OK  ] Starting httpd:                                              [  OK  ] Running Webalizer manually for the first time