HostedDB - Dedicated UNIX Servers

Comments and suggestions concerning this book should be mailed to © Copyright 1999-2000 Gerhard Mourani and Open Network Architecture ® 399 software to their appropriated places on your server machine, like show bellow. The server configuration files archive to download is located at the following Internet address: · To run a Webalizer, the following file is require and must be create or copied to the appropriated directory on your server. Copy the webalizer.conf files in the “/etc/” directory. You can obtain configuration file listed bellow on our floppy.tgz archive. Copy the following file from the decompressed floppy.tgz archive to the appropriated place or copy and paste it directly from this book to the concerned file. Configuration of the “/etc/webalizer.conf” file The “/etc/webalizer.conf” is the default configuration file for Webalizer, you can specify which directory, page, in your web site to analyze, which URL’s to hide and so on. By default the Webalizer program will install a sample configuration file named “webalizer.conf.sample” under the “/etc/” directory of Linux. You can use this file to configure your choices and then rename it “webalizer.conf” and the Webalizer program will be able to find and use it. A lot options exist and it’s important to read the documentation that come with Webalizer for more information of different setting and parameters. Also it’s important to note that we comment in this Webalizer configuration file only the most common and used parameters. Edit the webalizer.conf.sample file (vi /etc/webalizer.conf.sample) or create the  webalizer.conf file (touch /etc/webalizer.conf) and add/change in this file: LogFile /var/log/httpd/access_log OutputDir /home/httpd/usage Incremental  yes  PageType  htm* PageType  cgi PageType  php HideURL  *.gif HideURL  *.GIF HideURL  *.jpg HideURL  *.JPG HideURL  *.ra IgnoreURL  /taskbar* This tells webalizer.conf file to set itself up for this particular configuration setup with: LogFile /var/log/httpd/access_log This option “LogFile” specifies the logfile to use with Webalizer. The default log file is supposed to be the “access_log” of Apache Web Server but you can specifies a different like the one of Squid Proxy Server named “access.log” if you use it in httpd-accelerator mode. See the chapter 18 “Servers Software Proxy Network Services” for more information. OutputDir   /home/httpd/usage This option “OutputDir” specifies the location of the output directory to use for the reports of Webalizer. All present and future reports files generated by Webalizer program will be hosted in this directory. It is recommended to create this directory where your Apache web site resides.