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Comments and suggestions concerning this book should be mailed to © Copyright 1999-2000 Gerhard Mourani and Open Network Architecture ® 369 [root@deep apache_1.3.12]#  make install [root@deep apache_1.3.12]#  rm -f /usr/sbin/apachectl [root@deep apache_1.3.12]#  rm -f /usr/man/man8/apachectl.8  [root@deep apache_1.3.12]#  rm -rf /home/httpd/icons/ [root@deep apache_1.3.12]#  rm -rf /home/httpd/htdocs/ [root@deep apache_1.3.12]#  cd /var/tmp/php-4.0 [root@deep php-4.0]# install -m 644 php.ini.dist /etc/httpd/php.ini [root@deep php-4.0]# rm -rf /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crl/ [root@deep php-4.0]# rm -rf /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/ [root@deep php-4.0]# rm -rf /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.csr/ [root@deep php-4.0]# rm -rf /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/ [root@deep php-4.0]# rm -rf /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.prm/ [root@deep php-4.0]# rm -f /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf srm.conf.default access.conf access.conf.default The “make” command will compile all source files into executable binaries, and “make install will install the binaries and any supporting files into the appropriate locations. The “rm -f command will remove the small script “apachectl” responsible to start and stop the Apache daemon since we use a better script named “httpd” located under the “/etc/rc.d/init.d/” directory that take advantage of Linux system V. We also remove the “/home/httpd/icons” directory used under Apache when you use its automatic indexing feature. This feature can bring a security risk and for this reason we disable this option in the configuration file and can safety remove the directory to make space in the Linux server. The “/home/httpd/htdocs” directory handle all documentation files related to Apache, so after we have finished to read this documentation, we can remove it to make space. The “install -m” command will install the “php.ini.dist” file under “/etc/httpd/” directory and will rename it “php.ini”, this file controls many aspects of PHP's behavior. The “ssl.crl, ssl.crt, ssl.csr, ssl.key, and ssl.prm” directories under “/etc/httpd/conf” are all the directories related to SSL and handle private and public keys, since we use another location “/etc/ssl/” we can remove them safety. Finally, we remove the unused “srm.conf, srm.conf.default, access.conf, and access.conf.default” files that are now included in the “httpd.conf” file of Apache. Cleanup after work [root@deep /]# cd /var/tmp [root@deep tmp]# rm -rf apache-version/ apache-version.tar.gz mod_ssl-version-version/ mod_ssl-version- version.tar.gz php-version/ php-version.tar.gz mod_perl-version/ mod_perl-version.tar.gz The “rm” command will remove all the source files we have used to compile and install Apache, mod_ssl, mod_perl, and php. It will also remove the Apache, mod_ssl, mod_perl, and php compressed archive from the “/var/tmp” directory. Configurations Configuration files for different services are very specific depending of your need and your network architecture. Someone can install Apache Server for showing web pages only; other can install it with database connectivity, electronic business with SSL support, etc. In this book, we provide you an “httpd.conf” file setting with PHP, Perl, SSL, LDAP, and password authentication to show you different possibility. We’ll focus on optimization and security of these files and let all specific adjustments to your tastes. So you will need to read documentation that comes with these programs and understand them. All software we describe in this book has a specific directory and subdirectory in a tar compressed archive named “floppy.tgz” containing file configurations for the specific program. If you get this archive file, you wouldn’t be obliged to reproduce the different configuration files bellow manually or cut and past them to create your configuration files. Whatever your decide to copy manually or get the files made to your convenience from the archive compressed files, it will