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Comments and suggestions concerning this book should be mailed to © Copyright 1999-2000 Gerhard Mourani and Open Network Architecture ® 325 mail: title: Author objectclass: person dn: cn=Anthony Bay, o=openarch, c=com cn: Anthony Bay sn: Bay homephone: (444) 111-2233 mobile: (444) 555-6677 mail: objectclass: person dn: cn=George Parker, o=openarch, c=com cn: George Parker sn: Parker telephonenumber: (555) 234-5678 fax: (543) 987-6543 mobile: (543) 321-4354 description: E-Commerce objectclass: person The above example show you how to convert you information into a LDIF file’s before add them to your new backend directory. Consult your OpenLDAP documentation or book for more information. Step 2 Once the LDIF input file containing our entries have been created, we must insert it in the LDAP directory server. · To insert the LDIF input file and create  the database off-line, use the following command: [root@deep tmp]# ldif2ldbm -i <inputfile>  -f <slapdconfigfile> [root@deep tmp]# ldif2ldbm -i my-data-file -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf The “-i” option + the <inputfile> option specifies the location of the LDIF input file containing the entries in text form to add. The <slapdconfigfile> option specifies the location of the slapd configuration file, which tells where to create the indexes, what indexes to create, etc. NOTE: It is important to note that the  “slapd” daemon of LDAP is not started in this mode of creation. Creation of the LDMB backend database on-line with the “ldapadd” tool If the entries in your directory server are already created or if you have only a small amount of information to insert in your backend database, you’ll prefer to use the “ldapadd” command utility to make your job on-line. For example, to add the “Europe Mourani” entry using the “ldapadd” tool, you could create a file called “newentry” in your “/tmp” directory. Step 1 Create the newentry file (touch /tmp/newentry) and add in this file the following contents: cn=Europe Mourani, o=openarch, c=com cn=Europe Mourani sn=Mourani  description=Marketing relation objectClass=person