HostedDB - Dedicated UNIX Servers

Comments and suggestions concerning this book should be mailed to © Copyright 1999-2000 Gerhard Mourani and Open Network Architecture ® 101 tcp        0      0      *:*                          LISTEN        tcp        0      0 *:389                      *:*                          LISTEN        tcp        0      0 *:ssh                      *:*                          LISTEN        · To stop all networks devices manually on your system, use the following command: [root@deep /]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop Shutting down interface eth0 [  OK  ] Disabling IPv4 packet forwarding [  OK  ] · To start all networks devices manually on your system, use the following command: [root@deep /]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/network start Enabling IPv4 packet forwarding [  OK  ] Bringing up interface lo [  OK  ] Bringing up interface eth0 [  OK  ]