HostedDB - Dedicated UNIX Servers

fips191_14 FIPS PUB 191 2.2 Security Services and Mechanisms A  security  service  is  the  collection  of  mechanisms,  procedures  and  other  controls  that  are implemented to help reduce the risk associated with threat.   For example, the identification and authentication  service  helps  reduce  the  risk  of  the  unauthorized  user  threat.    Some  services provide   protection   from   threats,   while   other   services   provide   for   detection   of   the   threat occurrence.    An  example  of  this  would  be  a  logging  or  monitoring  service.    The  following services will be discussed in this section: •     Identification and authentication - is the security service that helps ensure that the LAN is accessed by only authorized individuals. •     Access  control  -  is  the  security  service  that  helps  ensure  that  LAN  resources  are  being utilized in an authorized manner. •     Data and message confidentiality - is the security service that helps ensure that LAN data, software and messages are not disclosed to unauthorized parties. •     Data  and  message  integrity  -  is  the  security  service  that  helps  ensure  that  LAN  data, software and messages are not modified by unauthorized parties. •     Non-repudiation - is the security service by which the entities involved in a communication cannot deny having participated.   Specifically the sending entity cannot deny having sent a message (non-repudiation with proof of origin) and the receiving entity cannot deny having received a message (non-repudiation with proof of delivery). •     Logging and Monitoring   - is the security service by which uses of LAN resources can be traced throughout   the LAN. The mechanisms, procedures and guidance provided in this section should not be considered as mandatory  requirements  in  this  document.  This  FIPS  Guideline  is  voluntary,  and  the  controls listed here should be considered as potential solutions, and not required solutions.   Determining the appropriate controls and procedures to use in any LAN environment is the responsibility of those in each organization charged with providing adequate LAN protection. 16