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Hardening Windows NT Against Attack, Security Department, January 1999

Hardening Windows NT Against Attack

January 1999

by Paul E. Proctor

Establishing appropriate security policies and procedures is the best way to harden your system.

Threats against enterprises are wide and varied, including all manner of attack, such as outsider penetration, insider abuse of privilege, and denial of service from poorly trained users.

Windows NT is vulnerable to many threats, as I discussed in my last column ["NT Vulnerabilities," November 1998, p. 23]. There are many things you can do, both organizationally and technically, however, to protect yourself from attack. This is known as "hardening" a system, and it can be very effective for repelling hackers and deterring misuse.

Hardening is accomplished through establishing security procedures, correct system configuration, physical security, and the addition of third-party products. Each type of hardening protects against a class of risk. Hardening can be a selective process that reduces the amount of work necessary for effective protection. Remember, all threats are not relevant to all computers or all organizations. You can save your company time and money by protecting your network from relevant risks instead of all risks.

Windows NT Configuration

The most obvious and well-known hardening technique is to configure your Windows NT system properly. This is a multiple-step process that covers password policies, account policies, Registry configuration, networking configuration, and a list of miscellaneous items that don't fit well into any specific category.

Password Policies

Guessing passwords is still an effective way to break into systems, and password theft is a major problem. Password policies force users to select good passwords and to change them often, which makes it more difficult to penetrate a computer from the outside. The following recommendations will harden your system against someone who tries to guess or steal passwords:

  • Maximum password age: 90 days. This forces users to change their passwords every 90 days. A longer time period opens a large window in which successfully broken or stolen passwords can be used before being changed. A shorter time period may annoy your users and cause rebellion.
  • Minimum password age: one day. Minimum password age prevents users from changing their password and immediately changing it back to the old password, effectively eliminating the requirement to change passwords.
  • Minimum password length: eight characters. Longer passwords take longer to break and guess.
  • Password uniqueness: five passwords. This is the number of remembered passwords for each user. Users can't reuse a password until they have used five different new passwords. If the minimum password age is one day, it would take users five days of changing their password every day before they could reuse a password. This is intended to discourage the use of repeat passwords, and it is very effective.
  • Account lockout: lockout after five failed attempts; reset count after ten minutes. This simply reduces the number of tries that a brute-force password-guessing attack can make over a given period of time. Account lockouts can be detected and tracked to indicate a brute-force password-guessing attack.
  • Lockout duration: 15 minutes. Remember, you are just trying to discourage the guessing attack, and an employee will be idle during this time. Selecting the reset to forever will force an administrator to unlock the account. This is not recommended and is probably overkill. The costs really mount up when you consider an idle employee and the time of the administrator who must unlock the account.

Account Policies

Windows NT has some special accounts that should be secured. The most important of these, of course, is the Administrator account. The following procedures will harden your system against attacks on the Administrator and other accounts:

  • Rename the Administrator account and establish a decoy. By renaming the Administrator account you will frustrate outside attackers who are after the most privileged account in the system. To further frustrate them, create a decoy account named Administrator that has no privilege. Set full auditing on the decoy account, and if you have a third-party monitoring tool, set it to page you when this account is accessed.
  • Replace the Everyone group with the Authenticated Users group on every network share and common-use directory. The Everyone group allows even unauthenticated users on the network to access resources with this access control designation.
  • Disable the Guest account. The Guest account is required by some third-party applications, but it should be disabled if it is not required. The Guest account has traditionally been used as a shared account for temporary users such as partners, suppliers, and contractors. The use of shared accounts results in a complete loss of accountability.

The Registry

The Registry controls how Win-dows NT is configured. A number of Registry keys are relevant to security and must be configured with care. The following procedures involve Registry entries and will harden your system against myriad threats. See Table 1 for the actual keys and recommended values.

  • Control remote access to the Registry. Microsoft provides the ability to administer the Registry from a remote location. This is the single largest security hole in NT and one of the first holes sought by any hacker.
  • Set a legal notice. The legal notice is required to warn potential attackers that they can and will be prosecuted for misuse of the computer system.
  • Prevent the last logged-in user name from being displayed. When you press Ctrl-Alt-Del, a login dialog box appears that, more often than not, displays the name of the last user who logged in to the computer. This makes it easy to discover a user name for a password-guessing attack.
  • Protect the security event log. The event log files are not protected by default. Permissions should be set on the event log files to allow access to Administrator and System accounts only. Access by the Guest account should be restricted through the use of a Registry key.
  • Secure print drivers. Restricting control of print drivers to administrators and print operators reduces the risk of unauthorized printing. This is particularly important if the printer contains sensitive documents, such as blank checks or invoices.
  • Restrict anonymous logins. NT allows anonymous connections to list account names. Setting this Registry key restricts this capability.
  • Restrict scheduling commands. Administrative privileges may be requested by users with the AT command. Access should be restricted to administrators only.
  • Restrict anonymous Registry access. Restricting anonymous (null session) logins to specific named pipes is another important way of restricting remote access to the Registry.


The network is the hacker's way into your system. If your network is not securely configured, a hacker can move freely between the systems on your network and find weaknesses in other aspects of your security. Good network security is the first (but not the only) line of defense you have against outsiders breaking into your systems. The following procedures will harden your system against a network hacker:

  • Turn off the following services if they are not needed: FTP, RAS, IP Forwarding, and GOPHER.
  • Disable protocols that are not needed, including TCP/IP, NetBIOS, and NetBEUI.
  • Disable Server, Alerter, and Messenger services.
  • Block RPC port 135 at your firewall.
  • Block nbname port 137 at your firewall.
  • Block nbdatagram port 138 at your firewall.
  • Block nbsession port 139 at your firewall.


Here are a few other important points regarding configuration that you should consider:

  • Install the latest service packs and hot fixes. Microsoft regularly updates Windows NT security features in hot fixes and service packs. While this process has also been known to introduce holes, it is still recommended that you install the latest software.
  • Remove ROLLBACK.EXE. This application was mistakenly distributed by Microsoft and can destroy essential system files.
  • Disable floppy and CD-ROM drives on crucial servers.
  • Use NTFS only. File Allocation Table (FAT) file systems do not have security or access controls. These necessary components of security are provided only through NTFS.
  • Set Access Control Lists (ACLs) on essential files to allow access to authorized individuals only. The best security mechanisms available are worthless if they are not used. The ACL capability is typically not used to its fullest potential.


The weakest link in any security plan is people. There are many good mechanisms for protecting computers that are not used, simply because of a lack of policy, process, and procedure. ACLs in NTFS are an excellent example. All users on the system have the ability to protect their files using ACLs, but in most environments the vast majority aren't even aware of their existence, or if they are aware, they may not know how to use ACLs properly. A good training and security-awareness program is crucial to good security. The following procedures will harden your users, which will ultimately harden your NT systems against all forms of attack:

  • Limit the use of internal modems and absolutely confirm that they are not set to auto-answer.
  • Require people to enable a locking screen saver to prevent security breach incidents when they leave their desks for extended periods while still logged in.
  • Create two accounts for administrators, so that they have one account without privileges for reading their mail and doing everyday work and another with privileges for handling NT administrative tasks.
  • Restrict execution of programs downloaded from the Internet to keep viruses from infecting your system.
  • Institute a backup procedure in which your organization does a full backup at least once a week.

Physical Security

Physical security has two aspects: theft of computers (including their local information) and misuse threats associated with physical access. Information typically has a greater value than the computer on which it resides.

Good facility security is always important, but you should also consider training your executives who carry laptops about the value of information and instituting a property-pass program for equipment entering and leaving your facility. In addition, servers should always be placed in a secure location to prevent physical access.

Third-Party Products

Windows NT security and procedures are not comprehensive enough to provide total protection. A number of third-party products provide services that are important for protecting your business. The following families of products should be considered when creating a security plan:

  • Authentication. Windows NT 5.0 will contain Kerberos authentication, but until you have NT 5.0 rolled out to your entire enterprise, you may want to consider products such as Entrust Public-Key Infrastructure software from Entrust Technologies ( to harden authentication.
  • Encryption. Sending sensitive data over the wires and maintaining it in clear text isn't a necessary risk anymore. A number of encryption products on the market provide virtual private networks (VPN), e-mail encryption, and file encryption.
  • Monitoring. Once you've set up your security configuration, be sure to monitor its compliance, detect intrusions, discover the suspicious behavior of insiders, and perform damage assessment with information risk-management tool sets from third-party vendors.
  • Antivirus programs and firewalls. Although available in commercial products, these two capabilities are being absorbed into the operat-ing system, but they aren't completely effective yet. There are a number of excellent third-party vendors for both services.


Windows NT does not arrive completely secure when it is installed out of the box. It takes effort to configure it and use it securely. The information I have provided in this article is far from complete, and I strongly recommend that you follow up with other sources.

The best advice I can give you is to determine what level of hardening is required for your organization and write it down. Then put the title "Security Policy" on the document, and your organization will already be light-years ahead of most other organizations. Security policy will be the subject of my next column.


Paul E. Proctor has worked in computer security on many varieties of Unix and NT systems for more than 12 years. He is chief technology officer at Centrax Corp. in San Diego, California. You can contact him at

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