HostedDB - Dedicated UNIX Servers

Auerbach Publications © 2001 CRC Press LLC 08/01 From the point of view of the attacker, the information is simply on the Internet as is the corporate connection; therefore, the access process and medium have not changed, just the level of security. The result is that the information is presented to the attacker, and direct access through a much more complicated path is not required. If it were not for the Internet connection, the remote hosts would have increased func- tionality, speed, and protection compared with legacy remote access with modems. Regrettably, the Internet is the link to the extended func- tionality as well as the link to ultimate insecurity. Logically, this is a disaster for information security. We have invested monumental amounts of time, research, and money into the evolution of security and the mitigation of risk associated with connecting to a global, unrestricted network. We have built massive walls of security with bricks of technology ranging from basic router filtering, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems to system hardening, DMZs, and air-gaps. Now that we have a plethora of defense mechanisms pointed at the Internet, we are EXHIBIT 7 — Attacker Obtains Data From a Much Less Protected Point on the Internet Internet Firewall Remote User Established Security Envelope Attacker Phone Cable xDSL Data is Accessed or Copied from Protected Network Attack against an Unprotected System on the Internet Internet Network