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UNCLASSIFIED Advanced Security Services  Version 1.0g  UNCLASSIFIED 179   Click “OK”, and then click it again on the next window.  You should now be back at the window where you selected the “General” tab.  Now select the “Rules” tab and let’s continue.  Click the “Add...” button, which will use a second wizard.  When the introduction screen for the wizard shows up, click “Next”, which will make the following tunnel endpoint window appear.    Since we selected transport mode when configuring the Cisco router, we do not need this tunnel.  Continue on without specifying a tunnel.  The next screen is about which network connections to use. The network type “Remote access” is useful if you are using phone lines to connect remotely, but in this case, choose either LAN connection, or even better “All network connections” can be used.  Click “Next”.  Now is the time to enter the passphrase.   Recall that we previously selected “my4pa$$phra$eHere” as our choice when we configured the Cisco router.