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Internet Security Professional Reference:IP Spoofing and Sniffing
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Host-Level Passive Detection

As a basic precaution, when an operating system responds to an ARP broadcast, it should inspect both the sender IP address and the target IP address. It only needs to check the target address to see if the target IP address matches its own IP address. If so, it needs to send an ARP reply. However, once the operating system has been interrupted, it takes little extra work to check to see if the sender IP address matches its own. If so, another machine on the network is claiming to have the same IP address. Such an anomaly certainly indicates a serious configuration problem and may be the result of a simplistic ARP spoof in which the attacker simply reset the IP address of the machine being used in the attack. Many Unix systems perform such a check.

Host-Level Active Detection

Another precaution to detect ARP spoofs is to arrange for hosts to send out an ARP request for their own IP address, both on system startup and periodically thereafter. If the host receives an ARP reply for its own IP address, the IP software should report the detection of an ARP spoof to the host user or administrator. Actively querying ARP with one’s own IP address will catch inadvertent IP address configuration errors as well as an attacker who is simply using an ordinary operating system with a deliberately misassigned IP address. However, it is possible to mount a more sophisticated attack that will thwart the active query detection method.

In particular, a technically adept attacker might modify the operating system of the machine being used to mount the attack. A simple modification that thwarts the active query detection method is to not reply to ARP requests originating from the legitimate interface associated with the IP address being used. The availability of such sophisticated software may seem unlikely even to an advanced computer user.

However, freely distributed Unix-like operating systems with freely distributed source code are now very common. It is not particularly difficult for a determined attacker to obtain such an operating system. He or she could then modify its kernel at the source code level, and compile a modified kernel specifically for the purpose of mounting such an attack.

Server-Level Detection

Alternatively, a more elaborate precaution would be to verify an ARP reply by making a RARP request for the hardware address contained in the reply. RARP, the reverse address resolution protocol, uses the same format as ARP and also broadcasts requests. RARP requests ask the question, “What is the IP address associated with the hardware address I have here?”

Traditionally, the primary use of RARP is by diskless machines with no permanent modifiable memory. Such machines need to discover their own IP address at boot time. RARP relies on one or more RARP servers that maintain a database of hardware addresses and the corresponding IP addresses. Use of an RARP server is probably overly elaborate when an ARP server would do the same job.

Note:  The basic idea of checking the validity of the results to a query by making an inverse query is generically useful. That is, in many situations you are querying a system equivalent to a database. Suppose you use one value, X, as a key for a query with the database indexed on one field and get a second value, Y, from a second field as a result. Then, you can use Y as the key for a query with the database indexed on the second field and you should get X as a result. If you do not, then something is wrong with the database or its searching mechanism.

Network-Level Detection: The Motivation

The motivation for network-level detection is that host-level detection may be unable to effectively inform the network staff that a problem exists and that server-level detection probably requires modification of IP software of the operating system source code. When a host detects that it is being impersonated by another machine, it may be able to report the fact to its user, but once an attack is underway it may be unable to inform the network administrator who is presumably using another machine.

Some popular IP system software may very well take the precaution of occasionally making ARP requests for the hardware address associated with the IP address it believes is its own. The active querying precaution is well-known and is a common textbook exercise. Most corporate system staffs are unable to modify the IP software of most of the machines on their network. If that is your situation, you probably want a software detection system that can be deployed on a single machine on your network. Building the system using software already written by someone else is preferable.

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