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IT Baseline Protection Manual T 3.20 Unintentional granting of read access for Schedule+

T 3.20 Unintentional granting of read access for Schedule+

The WfW package contains the program mail and the appointment planer Schedule+. If a shared post office is used by several users, Schedule+may also be used for joint appointment planning. Access privileges for one's own diary can be granted here. The access right "display vacant/occupied time blocks" is activated by default for the private calendar for each party of the same post office. Unless this right is explicitly withdrawn, the time arrangement but not the contents of the private calendar could be viewed by others. The private user, however, may assume that his vacant/occupied time blocks cannot be viewed by others as he has not granted any access rights.

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Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
last update:
July 1999