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IT Baseline Protection Manual T 2.44 Incompatible active and passive network components

T 2.44 Incompatible active and passive network components

Incompatible active network components can cause problems with communications protocols which have not yet been standardised completely, such as ATM or Tag switching. In such cases, the manufacturer needs to employ proprietary implementations to offset the missing, or partially available standards and allow for the use of the affected communications protocol.

Incompatibilities of this type can be caused if existing networks are extended with active network components from another vendor or networks are built using components from different vendors.

If active network components with different implementations of the same communications protocol are running parallel within the same network, this may impair the availability of the entire network, individual segments, or some services within the network. Two different cases can be distinguished depending on the type of incompatibility:

A combination of incompatible, passive network components can also impair the availability of a network. Twisted-pair cables available in 100-ohm and 150-ohm designs cannot be used parallel without the use of the proper converter. An unsuitable combination of active and passive network components can also impair availability if, for example, a network access protocol is used for a medium which has not been foreseen for this purpose. For instance, ATM is not able to work with a 50-ohm coaxial cable.

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