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IT Baseline Protection Manual T 2.12 Insufficient documentation on cabling

T 2.12 Insufficient documentation on cabling

If, as a result of insufficient documentation the precise location of lines is not known, the consequence may be damage to these lines caused by construction work outside or within a building. This can entail prolonged downtime periods or even life-threatening hazards, e.g. due to electric shock.

Insufficient documentation can, however, also make it more difficult to test, maintain and repair lines and jumpers, i.e. in case of changes to the area of new terminal equipment (relocation, new access).


In a larger-sized agency, cabling for the IT facilities was carried out by an external firm. The compilation of documentation was not included in the service package. Since no maintenance agreement was concluded with that firm after the completion of cabling, the required documentation was not available to the agency. Network expansion could only be achieved with considerable delays.

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Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik