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IT Baseline Protection Manual S 4.110 Secure installation of the RAS system

S 4.110 Secure installation of the RAS system

Initiation responsibility: Head of IT Section, IT Security Management Team

Implementation responsibility: Administrators

After the hardware and software necessary for implementation has been purchased as part of the organisational preliminary work, the individual components must be installed and operated. Generally a RAS system can only be securely operated if care has previously been taken over the installation. A pre-requisite to secure installation is the selection of suitable hardware and software for RAS access (quality, interoperability, compliance with existing standards) through the previous decision process (see S 2.186 Selection of a suitable RAS product). This goes to show once again how important it is for the decision process to be thorough and systematic.

The physical components of a RAS system consist of conventional IT systems: generally there are at least one server and several clients, network switching elements, modems or other technical devices. The physical security of these items must be assured as for all other components of a computer network. Hence at the outset the general safeguards for each of these components must be implemented, as described in Chapters 3 to 9.

The following additional points should be considered specifically with reference to installation:

Upon completion of installation of a RAS system, the system should have a secure starting configuration which initially allows access only to the authorised administrators (see also S 4.111 Secure configuration of the RAS system). These persons should then convert the RAS system to a secure operating state. Once this is achieved, continuous operations can then commence.


Under Windows NT the installation of RAS servers and clients is very simple and is virtually identical as the Windows NT Remote Access Service contains both client and server functions.

The following applies to a RAS client running under Windows NT:

The following applies to a RAS server running under Windows NT:

Additional controls:

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Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
last update:
October 2000