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IT Baseline Protection Manual S 4.45 Setting up a secure Peer-to-Peer environment

S 4.45 Setting up a secure Peer-to-Peer environment

Initiation responsibility: Head of IT Section, IT Security Management

Implementation responsibility: Administrators

The administrator should individually authorise or block the Peer-to-Peer functions for every computer in the WfW network and thus restrict the WfW environment in a user-specific way. To do this he requires the administration tool ADMINCFG.EXE.

After calling up ADMINCFG.EXE, the security configuration file WFWSYS.CFG, in which the security settings of the respective WfW computer are stored, must first be opened. ADMINCFG.EXE cannot distinguish in this case between different users on one WfW computer.

Even if it is not intended to restrict the environment, the security configuration file WFWSYS.CFG must be provided with password protection. If the administration tool ADMINCFG.EXE is installed locally for this purpose, it must be removed afterwards.

From the point of view of security, it is possible to create the following configurations for the computer with the aid of the administration tool ADMINCFG.EXE:

The sharing options must be specified:

The password options must be specified:

The administrator settings must be specified:

When configuring a Windows-for-Workgroups computer, the administrator also needs to consider the following points:

If a post office is configured for use by several persons for the purpose of communications or joint appointment scheduling, a corresponding data backup should be performed at appropriate time intervals. This is required to prevent inadvertent or intentional deletion of the post office, which is not protected automatically under WfW.

Additional controls:

© Copyright by
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
July 1999