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IT Baseline Protection Manual S 2.183 Performing a RAS rgequirements analysis

S 2.183 Performing a RAS rgequirements analysis

Initiation responsibility: Head of IT Section, IT Security Management Implementation responsibility: Administrators

Before a system is used for remote access, a requirements analysis should be performed. The aim of the requirements analysis is, firstly, to determine all the operational scenarios likely to occur in the specific case and, secondly, to derive from these the requirements for the hardware and software components that will be needed. If practical scenarios are drawn up and "acted out", any special requirements can be identified, so that any corresponding requirements (critical criteria) as regards the RAS system architecture or the RAS software can be formulated.

The issues to be clarified in the course of the requirements analysis include the following:

The requirements for the planned scenarios should be documented and agreed with network administrators and technical staff. These requirements will then determine how one proceeds from here (architecture, procurement, use).

Additional controls:

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Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
last update:
October 2000