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IT Baseline Protection Manual S 2.113 Requirements documents concerning telecommuting

S 2.113 Requirements documents concerning telecommuting

Initiation responsibility: Agency/company management; Head of Personnel Section

Implementation responsibility: Personnel Section; superiors

As official legislation specifically concerning telecommuting does not yet exist, certain issues need to be clarified through wage settlements, corporate resolutions, or individual agreements - as supplements to work contracts - between telecommuters and employers. This should include a clarification and settlement of a voluntary participation in telecommuting, overtime and surcharges, expenses for travelling between home and the institution, electricity and heating costs, liability (in the case of theft or damage to IT equipment, as well as work-related accidents and illnesses) and the duration of telecommuting terms.

Furthermore, the following issues should be clarified from the point of view of IT security:

Additional controls:

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Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
July 1999