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IT Baseline Protection Manual S 1.57 Up-to-date infrastructure and building plans

S 1.57 Up-to-date infrastructure and building plans

Initiation responsibility: Management

Implementation responsibility: Site planner

Building plans, escape route plans and access plans for the fire services etc. (see also S 1.11 Plans detailing the location of supply lines and S 5.4 Documentation on and marking of cables) should be updated immediately after all building alterations, extensions of the infrastructure and security systems.

This is necessary in order to

It is not sufficient, for example, simply to deposit the plans with the responsible building authorities. In case of damage or in an emergency, for example where cables are damaged or water pipes are damaged, important time which could have been spent troubleshooting and trying to solve the problem is lost. The person who has custody of plans, e.g. on-site technicians, should also be able to read them. If necessary, staff should be trained and instructed accordingly.

Additional controls:

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Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
last update:
July 2001