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IT Baseline Protection Manual - Chapter 1.5 Additional Aids

1.5 Additional Aids

Through its recommendations for standard security safeguards the IT Baseline Protection Manual offers direct assistance with the implementation of IT security. In addition, several further aids are available for daily work with IT security. These aids fall into two broad categories, software and programs, and secondary documents.

Software tools

There are currently three software tools available for IT baseline protection. These are as follows (further information on these tools will be found in the annex):

Secondary documents

To supplement the IT Baseline Protection Manual, a number of additional documents are available. Some of these were written by the BSI and some of them have been made available to the BSI for further distribution free of charge by users of the manual. A list of the aids available is provided in the annex.

At this point we would like to mention a few of these aids:

Tools which have been developed by users of the IT Baseline Protection Manual and are made available here to other users can save the "IT security community" considerable work in that they obviate the need to continually reinvent the wheel. Tools can be forwarded to the BSI via the IT Baseline protection Hotline (0228/9582-369 or Currently not all additional material is available in English.

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Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
last update:
October 2000